Stuarts Residential

Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 Delayed (Quick Read)

It was announced earlier in the year that The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 would come fully into force on the 15th July 2022, spreading panic amongst landlords and agents in Wales.

And with good reason. Imagine if you woke up one day and you had forgotten everything you knew about letting. The new legislation is similar to ripping up the Housing Act 1988, associated legislation and regulations and starting again.

It soon became clear that not enough notice had been given for everyone associated with the sector to become conversant with the new rules, let alone the mammoth task of changing tenancy agreements into occupation contracts and ensuring all new safety requirements are met.

Thankfully the concerns raised, particularly by Social Housing groups, have been listened to and the implementation has been pushed back to the 1st December 2022 giving everyone more time to prepare.


Please note the date this article was published as the law may have changed since it was posted. You should always seek independent legal advice if you are intending to rely on any of the contents.

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