Stuarts Residential

Make your opinions known on the Renters Reform Bill

Last month we reported on the White Paper proposing changes to legislation through what is known as the Renters Reform Bill.

The subsequent industry response has been mixed, with the vast majority raising concerns of the potential impact on the Private Rented Sector. Since then, of course, the government have found themselves in the middle of a leadership contest and it remains to be seen whether a new Prime Minister continues to follow through on their manifesto promise.

Concerns raised so far include the removal of the Section 21 process which enables landlords to regain possession without having to provide a reason or prove why they need the property back.

Student landlords are troubled by the ability for a tenant to give notice and leave at any time as this sector relies heavily on a 12 month commitment.

Around a third of all landlords have sought possession because of anti-social behaviour. Possession for this reason can be done through the Section 8 (breach of tenancy) process but requires a mountain of evidence. Currently using the Section 21 process to remove a tenant for anti-social behaviour is much simpler.

Removing this, will make it much harder for landlords to act when the tenant displays such behaviour.

There is apprehension that if these concerns are not addressed that landlords will end up exiting the sector, reducing the available property which in turn will drive up rents for tenants.

The National Residential Landlords Association who are at the forefront of campaigning are asking landlords to make their opinions known to the government by writing to their MP’s. You can find your local MP by using this link.

You can find a template letter here

You can read the White Paper in full here.

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