Stuarts Residential

Energy Support Grants

The subject of energy efficiency in our homes is presently a particular talking point. Indeed as I write this I am looking out at snow covered fields and roof tops, wrapped in a woolly jumper and wearing extra socks avoiding the urge to flip the heating controls to “constant”.

It was warming to read that the government have announced plans to widen their current ECO scheme (Energy Company Obligation) by launching the ECO+.

Launched in January 2013 the ECO scheme provides financial support to increase insulation in properties and is available to homeowners and tenants on low incomes or receiving benefits.

ECO+ will expand the scheme to those who are currently not eligible for support and whilst 20% of the funding will be focused on those who are vulnerable, the scheme will be rolled out to anyone who has a property that is not classed as energy efficient.

Essentially this is any property that has an Energy Performance Certificate with a rating of D or below. An additional caveat is that the property must be in a council tax banding of A-D in England (A-C in Wales).

The scheme is set to begin in April 2023 and run until March 2026 and the proposed measures that you could apply for are:

Applying for the ECO+ scheme is likely to be through your energy provider although full details have not yet been published. Where your tenants pay the utility bills then you will need to work with them to make an application.

This could prove to be an excellent opportunity for landlords to increase the energy rating of their properties (as well as their own home) ahead of the proposed Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard to C in 2025.

You can read more about the scheme here



Please note the date this article was published as the law or the essence may have changed since it was posted. You should always seek independent legal advice if you are intending to rely on any of the contents.

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